Sunday, February 9, 2020

Building A Trap - Part 3

Assembled Trap

This is part 3 of a series called Building A Trap. In this blog post we will start assembling our trap. If you spray painted your pieces make sure they are completely dry before proceeding. 

For this part we will need:

  • All of the previously cutout pieces.
  • A J-clip tool.
  • 74 J-clips.

Start by taking pieces A and I and 12 J-clips. Attach each piece with the J-clip tool and a J-clip according to the image below:

Take piece D and bend each section until a cube shape is formed. Then take 8 J-clips and attach each side as shown in the images below:

This is the bait box.

Next attach the modified piece D to piece A where the 2 inch by 2 inch cutout is using 4 J-clips shown in the images below:

Next, locate piece F and attach it underneath piece A where the 2 inch by 2inch cutout is using 2 J-clips shown in the images below: 

This is the hinged door to the bait box.

Next, locate pieces G and bend each to fit along the red line shown on piece I in the images below:

Then attach the modified pieces G to both pieces A and then to pieces I using 12 J-clips shown in the images below:

Locate pieces E and bend the bottom half inch by 1 inch mesh areas to match the red lines shown on piece I in the images below:

Locate pieces H and bend the half inch section of cut wire to match the red lines shown on piece I in the image below:

Next, attach both of the modified pieces E and pieces H to each other using 8 J-clips shown in the image below:

Next, locate pieces B and C and attach them to each other using 4 J-clips shown in the images below:

This is the hinged door where you remove the caught crayfish.

Next, attach pieces E to pieces I using 4 J-clips shown in the image below:

This is the hinged entrance for the crayfish to enter the trap.

Next, attach piece B to pieces I using 12 J-clips shown in the image below:

Finally attach pieces E to piece B using 8 J-clips shown in the images below:

Now you should have a fully assembled trap:

In part 4 we will finish the trap and make it ready to catch crawfish.

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