Saturday, February 15, 2020

CrayDad's Preserved Lemon Butter

When life gives you lemons...

Last year my parents were very kind to share with our family a large box of lemons. The only problem with lemons is they usually don't last that long. Some genius from Italy, northern Africa or India (who will remain uncredited) figured out a way to preserve these yellow wonders all throughout the year.

Preserved lemons are a powerhouse of lemon flavor. When made into a compound butter it will take your crawfish to an entirely new level.


  • 1 Preserved Lemon
  • 1 stick Unsalted Butter
  • Kosher Salt (optional)


Allow the stick of butter to come to room temperature before continuing with the recipe. Separate the fruit from the peel. Finely dice the peel until it resembles extremely tiny cubes. Combine ingredients until thoroughly mixed. Taste and only add additional salt if needed. Place in the center of some plastic wrap and role carefully into a log shape. Refrigerate until hardened.

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